I am a UBC mechanical engineer grad. who has returned back to school to pursue the exciting field of computer science and software engineering. I absolutely love programming and constantly crave to innovate and create.
My main areas of interest include competitive programming, machine learning, search/optimization methods, or simply making cool things!
PS: An interesting fact that you may not know about me is that I am a cheerleader!
How high can you go? (click picture to play)
Solving the famous Travelling Salesman problem using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm on GoogleMaps.
A robot that can balance on two wheels, even when you push it!
Ever wonder what the long-term expected payoff for Blackjack was? Well now you can find out!
Where are the Graffitis in Vancouver? An web app for locating the artistic vandals in Vancouver.
Everyone is busy with school, use this app. to schedule a meeting with your UBC friends!